Services.Applied scientific research to building projects.
Health & Habitability.We evaluate built environment qualitative aspects to provide healthier, more flexible and more accessible spaces. In summary, habitable spaces.
Sustainability & Energy Efficiency.Sustainable design means more than just controlling the energy consumption. In Arqindex we take to the next level.
Zero Waste & Construction.Reduce, recycle, reuse. Research and strategies to reduce construction waste generation from the design phases.
Biomimicry & Buildings.We analyze natural environments to provide guidance on nature-based construction systems. Buildings and environments coexisting naturally.
We let our research findings speak for themselves.
We offer our research, technical, and design services to Real Estate companies, architectural firms, and contractors.
Improving our buildings requires the expertise of connecting the dots.
We offer our research, technical, and design services to Real Estate companies, architectural firms, and contractors.
Improving our buildings requires the expertise of connecting the dots.